technical information copy specifications 139 fax specifications 140 scan specifications 141
telephone line, answer ring pattern 53
telephone wall jack, fax 102 telephone, fax from
receive 44 send 40
temperature specifications 141 tests, fax
dial tone, failed 104 failed 101
fax line condition 105 fax phone cord type test
failed 103 hardware, failed 101 port connection, failed 103 setup 196
telephone wall jack 102
cannot be edited after scan, troubleshoot 98
incompletely filled on copies 96
missing from scan, troubleshoot 98
splotchy on copies 96 troubleshoot 77 unclear on copies,
troubleshoot 96 unclear scans 100
tone dialing 54 Toolbox (Windows)
about 206 opening 206
capacity 137
media sizes supported 135 media types and weights
supported 137
trays capacities 137 clear jams 127 load media 19 locating 10
media sizes supported 135 paper guides illustration 10 troubleshoot feeding 93
answering machines 111
blank pages printed 76
copy quality 95
fax 100
fax dial tone test failed 104 fax hardware test failed 101 fax line test failed 105
fax phone cord connection test failed 103
fax phone cord type test failed 103
fax tests 101
fax wall jack test, failed 102 firewalls 76
installation 122 jams, paper 128 media not picked up from
tray 93 missing or incorrect
information 77 multiple pages are
picked 93 network configuration
page 126 nothing prints 75
print 75
print quality 78
Printer Status Report 124 receive faxes 106, 109 scan 96
scan quality 99
send faxes 106, 108, 111 skewed copies 96 skewed pages 93
slow print 76 tips 74
troubleshooting general network
troubleshooting 113 wired network 113 wireless problems 114
unable to activate source 99
Mac OS 34
Windows 34
uninstall software Mac OS X 205 Windows 204
USB connection
port, locating 10, 11 specifications 133
vertical stripes on copies, troubleshoot 95
network settings 197 voice mail
set up with fax (parallel phone systems) 181
set up with fax and computer
modem (parallel phone systems) 193
voltage specifications 141 volume
fax sounds 55
wall jack test, fax 102 warning messages 14 warranty 131
Web page print 28
Web sites
accessibility information 3, 9 customer support 71 environmental
programs 151 order supplies and
accessories 172 supply yield data sheet 133 wireless security 200
white bands or stripes, troubleshoot copies 95, 96 scans 99
Windows borderless 33
HP Solution Center 206 print brochures 26 Print photos 29, 31 print settings 25
set up wireless communication 201
system requirements 134