Switch Memory and Configuration

Multiple Configuration Files

ProCurve(config)# startup-default pri config minconfig ProCurve(config) # startup-default sec config newconfig.

Overriding the Default Reboot Configuration Policy. This command provides a method for manually rebooting with a specific startup-config file other than the file specified in the default reboot configuration policy.

Syntax: boot system flash < primary secondary > config < filename >

Specifies the name of the startup-config file to apply for the immediate boot instance only. This command overrides the current reboot policy.

Using Reload To Reboot From the Current Flash Image and Startup- Config File.

Syntax: reload

This command boots the switch from the currently active flash image and startup-config file. Because reload bypasses some subsystem self-tests, the switch boots faster than if you use a boot command.

Note: To identify the currently active startup-config file, use the show config files command.

Managing Startup-Config Files in the Switch





rename config < current-filename > < newname-str >


copy config < source-filename > config < dest-filename >


erase config < filename > startup-config


Erase startup-config using the front-panel Clear + Reset Buttons



