
Using the Event Log for Troubleshooting Switch Problems

Menu: Displaying and Navigating in the Event Log

To display the Event Log from the Main Menu, select Event Log. Figure C-6shows a sample event log display.

ProCurve Switch 5406zl

25-Oct-2007 18:02:52

==========================-CONSOLE - MANAGER MODE -============================

M 10/25/07 16:30:02 sys: 'Operator cold reboot from CONSOLE session.'

I 10/25/07 17:42:51 00061 system: ---------------------------------------------

10/25/07 16:30:02

I 10/25/07 17:42:51 00063 system: System went down:

I 10/25/07 17:42:51 00064 system: Operator cold reboot from CONSOLE session.

W 10/25/07 17:42:51 00374 chassis: WARNING: SSC is out of Date: Load 8.2 or newer

I 10/25/07 17:42:51 00068 chassis: Slot D Inserted

I 10/25/07 17:42:51 00068 chassis: Slot E Inserted

I 10/25/07 17:42:51 00068 chassis: Slot F Inserted

I 10/25/07 17:42:51 00690 udpf: DHCP relay agent feature enabled

I 10/25/07 17:42:51 00433 ssh: Ssh server enabled

I 10/25/07 17:42:52 00400 stack: Stack Protocol disabled

I 10/25/07 17:42:52 00128 tftp: Enable succeeded

I 10/25/07 17:42:52 00417 cdp: CDP enabled

----Log events stored in memory 1-751. Log events on screen 690-704.

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Return to previous screen.

Use up/down arrow to scroll one line, left/right arrow keys to change action selection, and <Enter> to execute action.

Figure C-6. Example of an Event Log Display

The log status line below the recorded entries states the total number of events stored in the event log and which logged events are currently displayed.

To scroll to other entries in the Event Log, either preceding or following the currently visible portion, press the keys indicated at the bottom of the display (Back, Next page, Prev page, or End) or the keys described in Tabletable C-1.

Table C-1. Event Log Control Keys

Key Action

[N]Advances the display by one page (next page).

[P]Rolls back the display by one page (previous page).

[v]Advances display by one event (down one line).
