Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation

Status and Counters Data

CLI Access for MAC Address Views and Searches

Syntax: show mac-address

[ vlan < vlan-id >] [< port-list >]

[< mac-addr >]

To List All Learned MAC Addresses on the Switch, with The PortNumber on Which Each MAC Address Was Learned.

ProCurve> show mac-address



To List All Learned MAC Addresses on one or more ports, with Their



Corresponding Port Numbers. For example, to list the learned MAC



address on ports A1 through A4 and port A6:



ProCurve> show mac-address a1-a4,a6



To List All Learned MAC Addresses on a VLAN, with Their Port



Numbers. This command lists the MAC addresses associated with the ports



for a given VLAN. For example:



ProCurve> show mac-address vlan 100




N o t e


The switches covered in this guide operate with a multiple forwarding database






To Find the Port On Which the Switch Learned a Specific MAC





Address. For example, to find the port on which the switch learns a MAC



address of 080009-21ae84:






