Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation

Traffic Mirroring

ports B5, B6, and B7 is being mirrored through port B7 to a network analyzer, the mirrored frames from traffic on ports B5 and B6 will not be mirrored a second time as they pass through port B7.

Switch Operation as Both Destination and Source: A switch config- ured as remote destination switch can also be configured to mirror traffic to one of its own ports (local mirroring).

Monitor Command Note: If session 1 is already configured with a destination, you can execute [no] vlan < vid > monitor or [no] interface

< port > monitor without mirroring criteria and a mirror session number. In this case, the switch automatically configures or removes mirroring for inbound and outbound traffic from the specified VLAN or port(s) to the destination configured for session 1.
