
Restoring a Flash Image

Make sure that the switch automatically boots into ROM first.

4.Start the Console Download utility by typing do at the => prompt and pressing [Enter]:

=> do

5.You will then see this prompt:

6.At the above prompt:

a.Type y (for Yes)

b.Select Transfer File in HyperTerminal.

c.Enter the appropriate filename and path for the OS image.

d.Select the Xmodem protocol (and not the 1k Xmodem protocol).

e.Click on [Send].

If you are using HyperTerminal, you will see a screen similar to the following to indicate that the download is in progress:

Figure C-24. Example of Xmodem Download in Progress

7.When the download completes, the switch reboots from primary flash using the OS image you downloaded in the preceding steps, plus the most recent startup-config file.
