Interface Access and System Information

System Information

Syntax: mac-age-time < 10 - 1000000 > (seconds)

Allows you to set the MAC address table’s age-outinterval. An address is aged out if the switch does not receive traffic from that MAC address for the age-outinterval, measured in seconds. Default: 300 seconds.

For example, to configure the age time to seven minutes:

ProCurve(config)# mac-age-time 420

Configure the Time Zone and Daylight Time Rule. These commands:

Set the time zone you want to use

Define the daylight time rule for keeping the correct time when daylight- saving-time shifts occur.

Syntax: time timezone < -720 - 840 >

time daylight-time-rule < none alaska continental-us-and-canada middle-europe-and-portugal southern-hemisphere western-europe user-defined>

East of the 0 meridian, the sign is “+”. West of the 0 meridian, the sign is “-”.

For example, the time zone setting for Berlin, Germany is +60 (zone +1, or 60 minutes), and the time zone setting for Vancouver, Canada is -480 (zone -8, or -480 minutes). To configure the time zone and daylight time rule for Vancouver, Canada:

ProCurve(config)# time timezone -480 daylight-time-rule continental-us-and-canada

Configure the Time and Date. The switch uses the time command to configure both the time of day and the date. Also, executing time without parameters lists the switch’s time of day and date. Note that the CLI uses a 24-hour clock scheme; that is, hour (hh) values from 1 p.m. to midnight are input as 13 - 24, respectively.

Syntax: time [ hh:mm [ :ss ]] [ mm/dd/ [ yy ] yy ]

For example, to set the switch to 9:45 a.m. on November 17, 2002:

ProCurve(config)# time 9:45 11/17/02

N o t e

Executing reload or boot resets the time and date to their default startup values.
