Switch Memory and Configuration

Multiple Configuration Files

This command makes a local copy of an existing startup- config file by copying the contents of an existing startup- config file in one memory slot to a new startup-config file in another, empty memory slot. This enables you to use a separate configuration file to experiment with configuration changes, while preserving the source file unchanged. It also simplifies a transition from one software version to another by enabling you to preserve the startup-config file for the earlier software version while creating a separate startup- config file for the later software version. With two such versions in place, you can easily reboot the switch with the correct startup-config file for either software version.

If the destination startup-config file already exists, it is overwritten by the content of the source startup-config file.

If the destination startup-config file does not already exist, it will be created in the first empty configuration memory slot on the switch.

If the destination startup-config file does not already exist, but there are no empty configuration memory slots on the switch, then a new startup-config file is not created and instead, the CLI displays the following error message:

Unable to copy configuration to “< target-filename>”.

The oobm parameter specifies that the copy operation will go out from the out-of-band management interface. If this parameter is not specified, the copy operation goes out from the data interface. Refer to Appendix G, “Network Out-of- Band Management” in this guide for more information on out-of-band management.

For example, suppose both primary and secondary flash memory contain software release “A” and use a startup-config file named config1:

Figure 6-20. Example of Using One Startup-Config File for Both Primary andSecondary Flash
