Switch Memory and Configuration

Multiple Configuration Files

Xmodem: Copying a Configuration File to a SeriallyConnected Host

Syntax: copy config < filename > xmodem < pc unix > [oobm]

This is an addition to the copy < config > xmodem command options. Use this command to upload a configuration file from the switch to an Xmodem host.

The oobm parameter specifies that the copy operation will go out from the out-of-band management interface. If this parameter is not specified, the copy operation goes out from the data interface. Refer to Appendix G, “Network Out-of- Band Management” in this guide for more information on out-of-band management.

For more on using Xmodem to copy a file to a serially connected host, refer to “Xmodem: Copying a Configuration File to a USB Serial Console Connected PC or UNIX Worksta- tion” on page A-28.

Xmodem: Copying a Configuration from a Serially

Connected Host

Syntax: copy xmodem config < dest-file> < pc unix > [oobm]

This is an addition to the copy xmodem command options. Use this command to download a configuration file from an Xmodem host to the switch.

The oobm parameter specifies that the copy operation will go out from the out-of-band management interface. If this parameter is not specified, the copy operation goes out from the data interface. Refer to Appendix G, “Network Out-of- Band Management” in this guide for more information on out-of-band management.

For more on using Xmodem to copy a file from a serially connected host, refer to “Xmodem: Copying a Configuration File from a Serially Connected PC or UNIX Workstation” on page A-29.
