MAC Address Management

Determining MAC Addresses


ProCurve# walkmib ifphysaddress






ifPhysAddress.1 - 4: Ports A1 - A4 in Slot A


ifPhysAddress.1 = 00 12 79 88 b1 ff



ifPhysAddress.2 = 00 12 79 88 b1 fe






(Addresses 5 - 24 in slot A are unused.)


ifPhysAddress.3 = 00 12 79 88 b1 fd










ifPhysAddress.4 = 00 12 79 88 b1 fc







ifPhysAddress.49 - 72:Ports C1 - C24 in Slot C


ifPhysAddress.49 = 00 12 79 88 b1 cf









ifPhysAddress.50 = 00 12 79 88 b1 ce


(In this example, there is no module in slot B.)


ifPhysAddress.51 = 00 12 79 88 b1 cd





ifPhysAddress.52 = 00 12 79 88 b1 cc





ifPhysAddress.53 = 00 12 79 88 b1 cb





ifPhysAddress.54 = 00 12 79 88 b1 ca





ifPhysAddress.55 = 00 12 79 88 b1 c9





ifPhysAddress.56 = 00 12 79 88 b1 c8





ifPhysAddress.57 = 00 12 79 88 b1 c7





ifPhysAddress.58 = 00 12 79 88 b1 c6





ifPhysAddress.59 = 00 12 79 88 b1 c5





ifPhysAddress.60 = 00 12 79 88 b1 c4





ifPhysAddress.61 = 00 12 79 88 b1 c3





ifPhysAddress.62 = 00 12 79 88 b1 c2





ifPhysAddress.63 = 00 12 79 88 b1 c1





ifPhysAddress.64 = 00 12 79 88 b1 c0





ifPhysAddress.65 = 00 12 79 88 b1 bf





ifPhysAddress.66 = 00 12 79 88 b1 be


Base MAC Address (MAC


ifPhysAddress.67 = 00 12 79 88 b1 bd



Address for default VLAN;


ifPhysAddress.68 = 00 12 79 88 b1 bc



VID = 1)


ifPhysAddress.69 = 00 12 79 88 b1 bb





ifPhysAddress.70 = 00 12 79 88 b1 ba

ifPhysAddress.461 and



ifPhysAddress.71 = 00 12 79 88 b1 b9


non-default VLANs configured





Physical addresses for


ifPhysAddress.72 = 00 12 79 88 b1 b8




on the switch. On the switches


ifPhysAddress.362 = 00 12 79 88 a1 00




covered by this manual, all


ifPhysAddress.461 = 00 12 79 88 a1 00




VLANs use the same MAC


ifPhysAddress.488 = 00 12 79 88 a1 00




Refer to "Multiple VLAN Con-







address as the Default VLAN.


ifPhysAddress.4456 =




siderations" in the "Static Virtual







LANs (VLANs)" chapter of the







Advanced Traffic Management







Guide for your switch.















Figure D-2. Example of Port MAC Address Assignments on a Switch
