Interface Access and System Information

System Information

Time Zone: The number of minutes your time zone location is to the West (+) or East (-) of Coordinated Universal Time (formerly GMT). The default 0 means no time zone is configured. For example, the time zone for Berlin, Germany is + 60 (minutes) and the time zone for Vancouver, Canada is - 480 (minutes).

Daylight Time Rule: Specifies the daylight savings time rule to apply for your location. The default is None. (For more on this topic, refer to Appendix D, “Daylight Savings Time on ProCurve Switches.)

Time: Used in the CLI to specify the time of day, the date, and other system parameters.

Menu: Viewing and Configuring System Information

To access the system information parameters:

1.From the Main Menu, Select...

2.Switch Configuration...

1.System Information

System Information

Figure 7-7. The System Information Configuration Screen (Default Values)

N o t e

To help simplify administration, it is recommended that you configure


System Name to a character string that is meaningful within your system.


