File Transfers

Downloading Switch Software

Protocol major versions differ: 2 vs. 1 Connection closed

Protocol major versions differ: 1 vs. 2 Connection closed

Received disconnect from < ip-addr>: /usr/local/

libexec/sftp-server: command not supported Connection closed

SCP (secure copy) is an implementation of the BSD rcp (Berkeley UNIX remote copy) command tunneled through an SSH connection.

SCP is used to copy files to and from the switch when security is required. SCP works with both SSH v1 and SSH v2. Be aware that the most third-party software application clients that support SCP use SSHv1.

How It Works

The general process for using SCP and SFTP involves three steps:

1.Open an SSH tunnel between your computer and the switch if you haven’t already done so. (This step assumes that you have already set up SSH on the switch.)

2.Execute ip ssh filetransfer to enable secure file transfer.

3.Use a third-party client application for SCP and SFTP commands.

The SCP/SFTP Process

To use SCP and SFTP:

1.Open an SSH session as you normally would to establish a secure encrypted tunnel between your computer and the switch. For more detailed directions on how to open an SSH session refer to the chapter titled “Configuring Secure Shell (SSH)” in the Access Security Guide for your switch. Please note that this is a one-time procedure for new switches or connections. If you have already done it once you should not need to do it a second time.

2.To enable secure file transfer on the switch (once you have an SSH session established between the switch and your computer), open a terminal window and type in the following command:

ProCurve(config)# ip ssh filetransfer
