File Transfers

Transferring Switch Configurations

Syntax: show tech custom

Executes the commands found in a custom file instead of the hard-coded list.

Note: Exit the global config mode (if needed) before executing show tech commands.

You can include show tech commands in the custom file, with the exception of show tech custom. For example, you can include the command show tech all.

If no custom file is found, a message displays stating “No SHOW-TECH file found.”

ProCurve# show tech custom



No custom file was uploaded with the copy tftp show-


No SHOW-TECH file found.

tech command





Figure A-10. Example of the show tech custom CommandXmodem: Copying a Configuration File to a USB SerialConsole Connected PC or UNIX Workstation

To use this method, the switch must be connected via the USB serial console to a PC or UNIX workstation. You will need to:

Determine a filename to use.

Know the directory path you will use to store the configuration file.

Syntax: copy < startup-config running-config > xmodem < pc unix > copy config < filename > xmodem < pc unix >

Uses Xmodem to copy a designated configuration file from the switch to a PC or Unix workstation. For more on multiple configuration files, refer to “Multiple Configuration Files” on page 6-25.

For example, to copy a configuration file to a PC serially connected to the switch:

1.Determine the file name and directory location on the PC.
