26.Adjust Tuning Voltage Circuit GAIN and OFFSET controls to phase-lock swept signal from 2 to 3 GHz.

27.Adjust RF plug-in POWER LEVEL control to place trace at approximately - 27 dBm on CRT.

28.Change spectrum analyzer AmplitudeScale to 1 dB/DI\!

29.Adjust RF plug-in POWER LEVEL control to place 2.1 GHz position of CRT trace to same level as that noted in step 18.

30.Note flatness of trace from 2 to 3 GHz. Total deviation of trace from .O1 to 3 GHz should not exceed 2.0 dB.

31.Center trace about the sixth horizontal graticule line on the CRT using analyzer REF LEVEL FINE control. Do not change this setting for remainder of procedure. This will be used as amplitude reference for remaining frequency bands.


Be careful during the adjustment of the remaining frequency bands. It is possible to achieve a phase-locked display of a frequency range other than the one selected on the spectrum analyzer. For example, it is possible to achieve a phase-locked display for 6 - 9 GHz when 3- 9 GHz has been selected. This can be avoided by paying close attention to synchronizer polarity and RF plug-in band switch points. Figure 5-19 illustratesthe typical appearance of each of the bands. Use it for reference.

6 to 9 GHz Adjustment32.Change synchronizer POLARITY to +.

33.Change spectrum analyzer FREQ SPAN/DIV to F (full), Amplitude Scale to 10 dB/DIV, and FRE- QUENCY BAND GHz to 6 - 9. Set TUNING to above 9 GHz.

34.Adjust sweep oscillator for swept output from 6 to 9 GHz.

35.Adjust Tuning Voltage Circuit GAIN and OFFSET controls to phase-lock swept signal from 6 to 9 GHz. Refer to Figure 5-19b.

36.Change spectrum analyzer Amplitude Scale to 1 dB/DIY

37.Adjust A12R58 2A (offset) and A12R48 2B (tilt) for best overall flatness of trace from 6 to 9 GHz with trace approximately centered about the sixth horizontal graticule line on the CRT.

38.Total deviation of CRT trace from 6 to 9 GHz should not exceed 2.0 dB.