The maximum current flow through the PIN diode is set with the 0 dB potentiometer R35. Resistor R35 is adjusted to the 12.3 dB attenuation point with the REFERENCE LEVEL FINE control set fully counterclockwise (0 position).

Transistors Q5 and 4 7 are identical current sources. The maximum current is set with the 0dB adjustment, R35, in the common base circuit. Diode CR5 provides temperature compensationfor the transistors.

Transistor Q5 provides current for a bias voltage applied to the anode of the PIN diode. The voltage source consists of R39, R38, and CR6. Diode CR6 provides temperature compensation for the PIN diode. Inductor L8 isolates the diode current source from the RF signal.

Transistor 4 7 provides current for a variable voltage source at the cathode of PIN diode CR7. Fixed resistor R40 is effectively in parallel with the negative side (- 12.6V) of the REFERENCE LEVEL FINE control potentiometer. Its purpose is to match the FINE control to changes in the PIN diode resistance. The FINE control varies the voltage at the PIN diode cathode, this varies the diode current flow. When the FINE control is fully clockwise, the PIN diode is at minimum conduction and maximum signal is applied to the base of 46 . Conversely, when the FINE control is fully counterclockwise, the PIN diode is forward biased into maximum conduction and minimum signal is applied to 46. Buffer amplifier 4 6 operates as an emitter follower, providing isolation between the 0 - 12 dB control circuit and the 21.4 MHz bandpass filter.

21.4 MHz BandpassFilter (I)

The 21.4 MHz Bandpass Filter at the output of the 0-12 dB control circuit is a two-pole type used to reduce the out-of-band noise produced by the step gain amplifiers and 0 - 12 dB control.


For minimum step gain error, the ground plane on the Step Gain Assembly A12 must be firmly connected to the chassis extrusion and the Motherboard Assembly A16 common ground. This means that before you can make any step gain measurementsor adjustments, the Step Gain Assembly A12 must be fully seated in its connector socket and all of its cover screws must be in place and tightened. You can, however, leave the gold secondary cover off for these measurements.

Band Select Decoder (A)

Band select decoder U3 is a 4-to-10 line decoder. It decodes the three band-select lines (H2, H3, and PM) to select one of six output lines. The selected line goes low while the remaining five lines stay high. The status of the decoder's outputs controls the tilt, offset, and bias circuits.

Band Tilt (C)

Band tilt is controlled with a variable, voltage-controlled voltage source comprising operational amplifier U4b, current boosting transistor 42, and related adjustable resistor networks. The signal input to this circuit is the sweep plus tune (S + T) voltage. Normally, this signal is a ramp extending from + 1.2V to +4.8V or some level in between, depending on the position of the FREQ SPAN/DIV and frequency TUNING controls.

When the S + T ramp is at its low point (+ 1.2V), the level at test point 3 should be + 10.6V +0.1V When the

S+ T ramp is at its peak (+ 4.8V), the level at test point 3 can be adjusted from about +9.6V to + 10.9V with the circuits's potentiometers and factory selected fixed resistors. Potentiometers R47, R48, R49, R51, R53, and

R55 adjust the overall tilt for each band. Ttvo factory selected resistors, R5O and R52, and potentiometers R54 and R56 provide additional tilt adjustment for harmonic mixing bands 2 +, 2- ,3+, and 3 - after a break- point at approximately midband.