26.Subtract mean deviation of step 16 from maximum and minimum values recorded in step 25. Frequency response for 12.1 - 18 GHz portion of 12.1 - 21 GHz frequency band should not exceed +2.3 dB (+2.3 divisions).



divisions (12.1 - 18 GHz)



divisions (12.1 - 18 GHz)

Frequency Response, 18- 21 GHz

Disconnect power splitter from 20-dB attenuator and connect it to the power sensor. Set sweep oscillator to CW with frequency of 18.0 GHz and measure output at power splitter with power meter.

Use CW control to slowly tune sweep oscillator from 18 GHz to 21 GHz. Note all peak deviations from reference power level (recorded in step 27) and the frequencies at which they occur. Record frequencies and power levels in Table 4-7.

Connect output of power splitter through 20-dB attenuator to spectrum analyzer input. Adjust spectrum analyzer TUNING control counterclockwise several turns. Use CW control to tune sweep oscillator to frequencies recorded in step 28 and record deviation of signal peak from center horizontal graticule line.

Set sweep oscillator to CW with frequency of 19.5 GHz. Set AF control for 3 GHz and trigger a sweep. Note greatest positive and greatest negative deviation of signal peaks (18 GHz to 21 GHz). Use sweep oscillator CW control to tune to points of greatest deviation. Record frequencies and deviations from center horizontal graticule line in Table 4-7.

Disconnect power splitter from 20-dB attenuator and connect it to the power sensor. Use CW control to tune sweep oscillator to frequencies recorded in step 30 and record power levels in Table 4-7.

Algebraically subtract reference power level recorded in step 27 from each power meter indicated recorded in Table 4-7. Record results in Power Deviation column (see example). Add corresponding deviation from center horizontal graticule line to each power deviation and record results in Sum of Deviations column. Subtract mean deviation of step 16 from each value in Sum of Deviations column and record results in Deviation from Mean column. Frequency response for 18 - 21 GHz portion of 12.1 - 21 GHz frequency band should not exceed k 3.0 dB ( k 3 divisions).