what is the problem?

The printer software did not install correctly.

possible causes...

There may be a conflict with your virus protection program

There may be a conflict with another software program

There may be a conflict with a peripheral device connected to your printer


to solve the problem...

Uninstall your printer software.

For Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, and 2000:

1.Click Start > Programs > hp deskjet 9xx series > hp deskjet 9xx series uninstall.

2.Follow the directions that appear on your computer screen.

For Windows 3.1x:

1.Open the hp deskjet 9xx series program group.

2.Double-click the hp deskjet 9xx series Uninstall icon.

3.Follow the instructions that appear on your computer screen.

Close any software programs (including virus protection programs) that are running.

Disconnect any peripheral devices that use a parallel printer cable (such as a scanner or tape backup system).

Reinstall the printer software. See the quick start poster.

If you are still having problems with the software installation, contact HP customer care. See “contacting hp customer care”.