
what is the problem?

When I insert the printer software CD and the files start to copy, the Copying Files... screen says that file hpzuci01.dll cannot be found.

possible causes...

All the following conditions are present:

You are using a USB cable to connect the printer to your computer

You are using Windows 98

You are connecting more than one device at the same time

to solve the problem...

1.Click Browse.

The Open screen is displayed.

2.Select the following path to locate the hpzuci01.dll file: c:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\hpz\ glue.

3.Click OK.

The Copying Files… screen reappears with the correct path and file name inserted in the Copy files from… field.

4.Click OK.

5.Select Install hp deskjet 9xx series printer software. The hp deskjet 9xx installer screen appears.

6.Click Next, then follow the onscreen instructions to complete installation.