Symbols/Numerics | wireless connectin 59 | customer support |
802.11 | wireless profiles 65 | electronic 105 |
about 17 | borderless printing | HP Instant Support 43 |
installing USB accessory 16 | Mac OS 29 | phone support 105 |
printing 17 | Windows 28 | warranty 108 |
troubleshooting 90 | both sides, print on 26 |
accessibility 7 accessories
Bluetooth 16 installation 13 order 101 warranty 104
acoustic emissions 115 administrator
settings 39
after the support period 108 aligning print cartridges 70
battery charging 15 installing 13 recycling 13 removing 16 safety 13
battery slot 9
black and white pages troubleshoot 86
blank pages, troubleshoot print 80
Bluetooth about 18 bonding 65 configuration page 65 configure 61 discovery 64
fonts 64
fonts supported 113 installing USB accessory 16 printing 17
settings options 62 setup 60 troubleshooting 90
calibrate linefeed 71 cancel
print job 37 capacity
trays 23 cards
guidelines 20 sizes supported 22 tray supporting 23
cartridges. See print cartridges chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 116 cleaning
print cartridges 72 colors
bleeding 87 faded or dull 85 print black and white,
troubleshoot 86 specifications 114 troubleshoot 87 wrong 86
configuration page Bluetooth 65
configure Bluetooth 61 wireless profiles 56
connection wireless 50
connectors, locating 9 control panel
illustration 95
lights, understanding 95 locating 8
sizes supported 22
Declaration of Conformity (DOC) 122
default settings driver 24 print 25
device information pages printing, understanding 44
digital photographs printing 29 documentation 6
Documents To Go 35 dots per inch (dpi)
print 114
settings 24 version 105 warranty 104
duplexing 26 duty cycle 113
electrical specifications 114 envelopes
guidelines 20 sizes supported 21 tray supporting 23
environmental specifications 114
environmental sustainability program 116
firewalls, troubleshoot 78 fonts
Bluetooth 64
fonts supported 112