Client: Post-Installation for UNIX

Post-Installation Notes


The following additional information might be required to configure and run Prolifics software on your system.

Several character-mode specific utilities, (menu bar editor) and (key translation utility), are provided in the distributed util directory. You may need to use these if you are running Prolifics using character- mode and your system does not have Motif installed. To ensure that directions and menu options that reference these utilities can be used and accessed, rename the executables:

1.In the util directory, save the Motif versions of the utilities by giving each a new extension to distinguish it from their corresponding character-mode utilities. For example:

cp mbedit mbedit.xm cp showkey showkey.xm

2.Copy the character-mode utilities to the utility name having no extension. For example:

cp mbedit cp showkey


License Manager

The information in this section is intended to provide you with additional guidance when you encounter error messages.

If the license manager is not able to process the license file, an appropriate error message is displayed. Appendix E lists error messages generated by FLEXlm and hints for resolving them.

If the Prolifics license server is not running, its clients will not be able to run.

Motif VersionNumberGraphFunctionality
To determine your Motif version number:

From your Motif installation directory, run the following command:

strings libXm.a grep –i version

Prolifics’s graph capabilities rely upon external programs, therefore, it is possible for Prolifics to be working properly except for the business graph component. If you have problems with the graph functionality, check the following:

Chapter 4 Client: UNIX Installation