FLEXlm Utilities
Performs a checksum of a license file
Force the encryption code checksum to be
Name of license file to checksum. By default lmcksum operates on license.dat in the current directory. If this switch is not specified, lmcksum looks for the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE. If the environment variable is not set, lmdiag looks for the file /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat.
Description | lmcksum prints a |
| checksum. If the license file contains “lmcksum=nn” attributes, the bad lines are |
| indicated. |
| lmcksum ignores all fields that do not enter into the encryption code computation; |
| thus the server node name and port number, as well as the daemon pathname and |
| options file names, are not checksummed. In addition lmcksum treats |
| sensitive fields correctly (in general, lmcksum is not |
| takes the |
| lmcksum takes an optional daemon name; if a name is specified, only license file |
| lines for the selected daemon are used to compute the checksums. |
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