FLEXlm Utilities
Tells the license daemon to reread the license file
Use the specified license file. If this switch is not specified, lmreread looks for the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE. If the environment variable is not set, it looks for the file /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat.
Description | lmreread allows the system administrator to tell the license daemon to reread the |
| license file. This can be useful if the data in the license file has changed; the new |
| data can be loaded into the license daemon without shutting down and restarting it. |
| lmreread uses the license file from the command line (or the default file, if none |
| specified) only to find the license daemon to send it the command to reread the |
| license file. The license daemon always rereads the original file that it loaded. If |
| you need to change the path to the license file, then you must shut down the |
| daemon and restart it with that new license file path. |
| You cannot use lmreread if the SERVER node names or port numbers have been |
| changed in the license file. In this case, you must shut down the daemon and restart |
| it in order for those changes to take effect. |
| lmreread does not change any option information specified in an options file. If |
| the new license file specifies a different options file, that information is ignored. If |
| you need to reread the options file, you must shut down the daemon and restart it. |
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