NGFW{running}interface mgmt
For a list of root commands and their usage see the Root Commands section.
NOTE: Your membership role determines your command line interface.
Edit Configuration Mode
The configuration mode enables administrators with the appropriate credentials to write configuration changes to the active (running) configuration. The logon account used to configure the device must either be associated with the Superuser role or the Administrator role to edit the configuration context. The configuration mode has different context levels that provide access to a specific set of configuration commands. To enter the configuration mode, use the edit command. Once you have executed the edit command the CLI prompt will indicate that you are in the Edit mode, and can make configuration changes. Configuration options, and sub contexts are available for use until you exit. To exit the edit configuration mode, type exit.
When exiting the configuration mode, the following warning appears:
“WARNING: Modifications will be lost. Are you sure to exit (y/n)? [n]”
ywill discard any uncommitted changes you made to the configuration file, and n will keep you in the edit context.
The display command is a helpful utility to view the current running configuration and to review your configuration changes before you save the changes.
NGFW{running} display
A commit command must be used to save your changes to the running configuration.
The command hierarchy has two types of statements. The Container statement, which contain objects and the Object statement, which are actual commands with options.
For example:
• Container statement in edit mode:
• Object statement:
A brief overview of what you can do within the edit configuration mode:
•Issue a command that configures a setting in the candidate configuration setting. The candidate configuration allows you to make configuration changes without causing changes to the active configuration until you can review your changes and issue the commit command.
•Enter into a container context to access additional configuration settings.
•Run the display command to see your candidate configuration settings for a context. Any modifications you make can be viewed using the display command.
•Run the Commit command to save any changes from your candidate configuration to the running configuration.
•Exit from a context.
8 Command Line Interface