Percent ret correct predictions

Percentage of return branches that predicted correctly.

Percent ret wrong paths

Percentage of return branches that mispredicted the branch predicate.

Percent ret wrong branch targets

Percentage of return branches that mispredicted the branch target.

% of cycles lost due to branch misprediction or exception/interruption flush

Percentage of cycles lost due to either an exception/interruption or a branch misprediction flush.

branch Measurement Report Metrics

See Table 10 (page 174).

In this table, “program object” refers to any of the following:


Load module


Source statement

Instruction bundle


Table 10 Information in branch Measurement Reports





% Total <metric>

Percent of the total for <metric> attributable to a given program object. The <metric> is the


same as the <metric> HP Caliper uses for sorting, except when the sort metric is address, in


which case sampled branch mispredicts is used.



Cumulat % of Total

Running sum of the percent of total for <metric> accounted for by the given program object and


those listed above it.



Target of Branch

Number of times the given program object was recorded in BTB/ETB samples to be the target


of a branch.



Sampled Branch

For the given program object, the number of times, in BTB/ETB samples, of branch sources in


the object, whether the branch was taken or not-taken (fall-through case).



Branch Mispr Count

For the given program object, the number of occurrences, in BTB/ETB samples, of branch


instructions whose outcome was mispredicted (whether due to a direction (taken/not-taken)


misprediction or a target misprediction). This column includes all mispredictions, whether due


to the processor Front End or Back End.



% Branch Mispr

For the given program object, the percentage of branch captured in branch trace buffer


(BTB)/execution trace buffer (ETB) samples whose outcome was mispredicted.



BE-only Mispr Count

For the given program object, the number of occurrences, in BTB/ETB samples, of branch


instructions whose outcome was mispredicted only due to a Back End misprediction (in other


words, the processor Front End prediction was correct but the Back End predicted incorrectly).


This count is a subset of the Branch Mispr Count column.



% BE- only Mispr

For the given program object, the percentage of branch captured in BTB/ETB samples whose


outcome was mispredicted only due to Back End mispredictions.



Kernel Thread

Kernel Thread ID suffixed with the the name of the routine that the thread will execute once it is







174 Descriptions of Measurement Reports