Dual-core Itanium 2 processor

HyperThreading information, 112


ecount measurement report description, 197 Enabling the PMU, 161

Environment variables HP Caliper, 103 Error messages, 164

Event name abbreviation error, 93 Event name abbreviations

showing, 94

Event set descriptions for cpu measurement, 219 Event sets

brpath, 219 brpred, 220 c2c, 222 cpi, 223 cpubus, 225 cspec, 226 dispersal, 227

dspec, 228 fp, 230

l1dcache, 232 l1icache, 233 l2cache, 235 l2dcache, 237 l2icache, 238 l3cache, 240 memreq, 242 queues, 243 snoop, 244 stall, 245 sysbux, 247 threadswitch, 249 tlb, 250

Example of how to use HP Caliper, 20


fcount measurement report description, 199 fcover measurement report description, 199 Features available only on HP-UX, 152 Features of HP Caliper, 19

fp event set, 230

fprof measurement report description, 200 fprof sampling on multiple PMU Counters, 45 Function details, 107

Function naming, 111


Generating test suite reports, 100 Getting help, 49

Global measurement, 26 gprof fallacy, 131 Granularity

controlling, 96

Graphical user interface see GUI GUI, 31


Home directory, 42 HP Caliper

commands for basic tasks, 28 configuring, 91 environment variables, 103 example of how to use, 20 features, 19

GUI, 31

information about, 30 options, 47 overview, 16

quick reference, 28

HP Caliper Advisor see Advisor command line, 78

report, 82

steps in using, 77

HP Caliper home directory, 42 HyperThreading information, 112 HyperThreading status, 112


I/O error, 29

icache measurement report description, 204 Identifying performance problems, 27

info command see caliper info command Information about HP Caliper, 30 Initialization file see .caliperinit file Instruction dispersal, 227

Instructions Labeled STUB error message, 164 Instructions, adding to report, 24

Integrity Virtual Machine environment using HP Caliper in, 18

Invalid measurement error, 164 itanium2_cpu_counters.txt file, 93 itlb measurement report description, 208


Kernel patch error message, 166

Kernel patch PHKL_34020, 120


l1dcache event set, 232 l1icache event set, 233 l2cache event set, 235 l2dcache event set, 237 l2icache event set, 238 l3cache event set, 240 latest file, 113 Layout of reports, 104

Limiting PMU measurements, 161 Load modules

collecting data for, 94


Machine instructions omitting from reports, 51


including HP Caliper commands in, 100

260 Index

Page 260
Image 260
HP UX Caliper Software manual Environment variables HP Caliper, 103 Error messages