Chapter 2. Planning Your Order for Upgrading or Data Migration
Review this chapter as you identify a solution and again after a decision is made to verify the accuracy and completeness of the order. After you finish reviewing this chapter, you should have the following:
vFinal software order
vFinal hardware order
vFloor layout
vCable labelling of source system
vSite requirements defined
Refer to the “Upgrade process flow” on page 2 or “Data migration process flow” on page 4, depending on your situation, to identify where Planning is in the overall process.
Determining Your Upgrade Needs
To help determine the upgrade needs, please consider the following:
vWhat problems does this upgrade need to address?
vWhat additional applications or growth do you expect or plan for in the future?
vWhat new technology do you want as part of the upgrade?
vWhat are the requirements for the following:
vWhat are your expectations for the following:
–Impact on business operations
vWhat are the financial considerations to keep in mind? For example:
–Government discounts
–Capital planning cycles
–Tax implications
Performance Tools for Capacity Planning and Performance Analysis
The licensed program Performance Tools/400 (Program
The BEST**/1 Capacity Planning function of the Performance Tools licensed program provides the capability to analyze how a different AS/400 or iSeries 400
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