A900 2000 SRC |
| |
recovery | 25 |
A900 2000 system reference code |
| |
(SRC) 25 |
alternate installation device |
| |
installing from |
| |
considerations for placing an |
| |
order | 11 |
verify availability of hardware | 23 | |
AS/400 Data Migration Services 35 | ||
AS/400 Solution Services 36 |
| |
AS/400 System Migration Services | 35 | |
auxiliary storage pool (ASP) 10 |
command, CL
Display Hardware Resources
(DSPHDWRSC) | 22, 29 |
| |||
DSPHDWRSC (Display Hardware | |||||
Resources) | 22, 29 |
| ||
Retrieve Configuration Source | |||||
(RTVCFGSRC) | 22 |
| ||
RTVCFGSRC (Retrieve Configuration | |||||
Source) | 22 |
considerations | 12, 14 |
| ||
Consulting Services | 36 |
| ||
CPF0975 message | 25 |
| ||
customer’s upgrade needs |
| |||
additional applications | 7 |
| |||
expectations | 7 |
| |
financial considerations | 7 |
| |||
new technology | 7 |
| ||
problems | 7 |
requirements | 7 |
| |
customer tasks |
| |
after hardware installed | 24 |
| |||
before installing hardware | 23 | ||||
before upgrade takes place | 20 | ||||
current system preparation | 18 | ||||
when hardware arrives | 18 |
data migration 1
Display Hardware Resources (DSPHDWRSC) command 22, 29
DSPHDWRSC (Display Hardware Resources) command 22, 29
Files Saved with Storage Free Specified 41
from models 4xx, 5xx, Sxx or 6xx to a 7xx 12
from models 6xx or 7xx to a 8xx 14
hardware investment 3
hardware service representative tasks 24
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001
how long will the data migration take 5 how long will the upgrade take 3 How to Move Files That Have Been
Saved with Storage Free Specified 41
information ordering additional
preventive service planning 43 Installation Services 36
from an alternate installation device considerations for placing an
order 11 installing the hardware 24 Interactive Specify codes, Sxx 13 iSeries Planning and Migration
Services 35
LPAR Planning and Implementation Services Offering 35
MES upgrade 1 message
CPF0975 25
Midrange Enhanced Software Service 37 MRESS 37
Notices 45
ordering assistance 15 ordering prerequisites
hardware considerations 9 software items 9
system configurations considerations 9
ordering responsibilities 14 ordering specifications 11 ordering tasks
hardware 14 software 14
Performance Examinations 36 performing the upgrade
responsibilities 17 tasks 17
placing the order 14
planning your order 7 PowerPC 2, 3
preventive service planning information ordering 43
product support 35
SRC A900 2000 25 related support services 36 Retrieve Configuration Source
(RTVCFGSRC) command 22 return material equipment report
(RMER) 24 RISC 2, 3
Source) command 22
sending the order 15
sending the order to other than IBM 15
services 9 |
software release to upgrade | 5 | |
SRC (system reference code) |
| |
A900 2000 | 25 |
recovery | 25 |
Sxx Interactive Specify codes | 13 | |
system reference code (SRC) |
| |
A900 2000 | 25 |
recovery | 25 |
upgrade overview 1
upgrades covered in this road map
models 170 | 1 |
models 2xx | 1 |
models 6xx | 1 |
models 7xx | 1 |
models 8xx | 1 |
models Sxx | 1 |
memory considerations 10
what is a data migration 3 what is an upgrade 2 why upgrade 2