Related support services
iSeries 400 and AS/400 solution services
vDetermine the responsibilities for all upgrade activities. These responsibilities
Outline the model upgrade activities and the person responsible for each
activity,as described in Table 4 on page17.
Develop an installation plan, a schedule of activities, and a checklist. See the
SAAdvisor in the Expert menu Application on HONE.
YourIBM Representative may visit the Solutions Assurance Web site:
YourIBM representative can use marketing tools to get more information:
- Only your IBM representative can access MKTTOOLS at this Website:
- Or on a Virtual Machine (VM) system, the representativetypes:
vOrder any optional hardware and software publications by using PUBORDER or
the System Library Subscription Service (SLSS).
vDetermine whether you have any education needs.
Model-specific Considerations for Placing an Order
There are unique model-specific considerations when upgrading from one RISC
model to another RISC model. Before placing an order,everyone involved in the
upgrade process should review these upgrade considerations:
vThe prerequisite for migrating SPD book-type adapter cards is an Model S20, S30,
S40, SB1, 620, 640, 650, 720, 730, or 740.
vThere is concurrent disk unit maintenance.
vYoucan use the alternate IPL device function for any installation or recovery
that requires replacing Licensed Internal Code or other licensed programs. Some
models might require an alternate installation device. Youcan use this device
for installing distribution tapes that were created by a central site, or for
recovery,using a SAVSYS tape. The Appendix about alternate installation
devices of the Software Installation manual describes the alternate installation
device function and identifies situations in which older tape devices may require
its use. The Appendix also describes how to set up, enable, or disable an
alternate installation device. APDF version of this manual is available from the
iSeries Information Center under System planning and installation ->
Hardware and software -> Software and licensed programs -> Install software
Note: In Models S10, S20, 600, 620 and 720, the input-output processor (IOP) to
which certain older tape devices connect, require an expansion unit in
order to use the devices. The following tape devices are affected: 2440,
3422, 3430, 3480, 9347, 7208-002, and some models of 3490. Other 7208
models and 3490 models Exx, C11, and C22 are supported without an
expansion unit. Models 3490 C1A and C2Acan be converted to Small
Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) format, which is supported without an
expansion unit. If you use older tape devices as alternate installation
devices, on Models S10, S20, 600,620 and 720, you need the expansion
unit. Youneed to set up the devices as alternate installation devices.
vModels Sxx and 6xx have a new internal-external SCSI input-output adapter.
Chapter2. Planning Your Order for Upgrading or Data Migration 11