Table8. Configuration Parameter List - APPN Node Tuning (continued)
Parameter Information
Maximum shared memory
0 - 5108 KB
Default Value
5108 KB
This parameter specifies the amount of shared memory within the router that is
allocated to theAPPN network node. APPN uses its shared memory allocation to
perform network operations and to maintain required tables and directories.
Youcan allow APPN to have a 4K RU size by setting

percent of APPN shared memory

used for buffers

to a sufficiently large value to allow at least 1 Megabyte of memory to
be available to the buffer manager.
This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program and from talk 6
Percent ofAPPN shared memory to be used for buffers
10 to 50
10% or 512 Kilobytes, whichever is larger.
This parameter specifies the amount of shared memory thatAPPN will use for buffers.
Youcan allow APPN to have a 4K RU size by setting

maximum shared memory

to at
least 1 Megabyte and setting

percent of APPN shared memory used for buffers

to a
sufficiently large value to allow at least 1 Megabyte of memory to be available to the
buffer manager.
This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program and from talk 6
Maximum cached directory entries
This parameter specifies the number of directory entries to be stored or cached by the
router network node. If a directory entry for a node is cached, the router does not need
to broadcast a search request to locate the node. This reduces the time it takes to
initiate sessions with the node.
This parameter is configurable using the Configuration Program and from talk 6
set traces
APPN Configuration Commands
Chapter2. Configuring and Monitoring APPN 101