APPN Monitoring Commands
This section describes the APPN monitoring commands for monitoringAPPN
interfaces. Enter the commands at the APPN> prompt.
Table49. APPN Monitoring Command Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the
options for specific commands (if available). See “Getting Help” on
page xxvi.
Aping Pings an address
List Lists:
vCP-CP_sessions - displays information on CP-CP sessions.
vISR_sessions - displays information on active ISR transmission
vSession_information - If
Save RSCV information for intermediate
is Yes,displays origin CP Name, primary LU Name, and
secondary LU Name.
vRTP_connections - displays information on RTP connections.
vPort_information - displays information on all ports unless a
particular interface is requested.
vLink_information - displays information on all links unless a particular
interface is requested.
vFocal_point - displays currently active focal point.
vAppc - displays information aboutAPPC sessions.
Memory Obtains and displaysAPPN memory usage information.
Restart RestartsAPPN
Stop StopsAPPN
TN3270 Accesses the TN3270 + command prompt from which you can display
TN3270 configuration information. See Table50 on page 212.
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See “Exiting a Lower
Level Environment” on page xxvii.
Use the aping command to send a message to another address and watch for a
Note: When APING responds faster than 1 millisecond, the data rate displayed
appears as “-----”.

flags lu_name

flags Specifies the options for the APING.
-m Mode name
Default Value: #INTER
APPN Monitoring Commands
Chapter2. Configuring and Monitoring APPN 209