Outbound calls = allowed
Inbound calls = allowed
Idle timer = 0 (fixed circuit)
SelfTest Delay Timer = 150 ms
Circuit config: 3>ex
Config>net 2
V.34 Data Link Configuration
V.34 System Net Config 2>list all
V.34 System Net Configuration:
Local Network Address Name = default_address
Local Network Address = 9999999
Non-Responding addresses:
Retries = 1
Timeout = 0 seconds
Call timeouts:
Command Delay = 0 ms
Connect = 60 seconds
Disconnect = 2 seconds
Modem strings:
Initialization string = at&f&s1l1&d2&c1x3
Speed (bps) = 115200
V.34 System Net Config 2>set local
Local network address name []? gray
V.34 System Net Config 2>list all
V.34 System Net Configuration:
Local Network Address Name = gray
Local Network Address = 555-1212
Non-Responding addresses:
Retries = 1
Timeout = 0 seconds
Call timeouts:
Command Delay = 0 ms
Connect = 60 seconds
Disconnect = 2 seconds
Modem strings:
Initialization string = at&f&s1l1&d2&c1x3
Speed (bps) = 115200
V.34 System Net Config 2>

1A non-zero value for Idle Timerresults in a dial-on-demand link

2A zero value results in a leased link

Configuring APPN Over ATM

The following sample configures APPN overATM.


1. When PVCs are configured, the link station must be defined on both APPN

nodes wanting to use the PVC. The link station must be defined with Activate

link automatically= yes.

2. When parallel TGs over ATMare configured, the adjacent node name and TG

number must be defined in both nodes for each link station.

add po
(S)DLC, (X)25, (D)LSw,(A)TM, (IP) [ ]?atm 1
Chapter1. APPN 63