Current Clients : 0
Max Clients : 512
State : 1
Net : 1
LANE Shortcuts
Use the lane shortcuts command to display all or specific entries using LANE
shortcuts. Youcan also display any ATM addresses for which LANE shortcuts are
disallowed due to operational problems.
lane-shortcuts all
all Displays all LANE shortcuts.
Example: lane all
LANE Shortcut Interface #: 1, ATM Network Interface #: 0
Next Hop Prot @ Dest Mac @ VPI/VCI
---------------- ----------------- -------- 04-AA-AA-AA-AA-01 0/34
Current MTU being used: 4490
entry Displays a LANE shortcut entry.
Example: lane entry
LANE Shortcut Interface number [0]? 1
Enter IP address of next hop []?
Next Hop Addr:
Dest Mac Addr: 04-AA-AA-AA-AA-01
ATM Address: 39840F0000000000000000000310005A00DEAD02
Media type: Token Ring
VPI/VCI: 0/34
Holding Time: 20 minutes
MTU size: 4490
RI Field:064001020203
Displays all disallowed LANE shortcut entries.
Any ATMaddress listed in this display means that the NHRP LANE
Shortcut Interface received data from that ATMaddress. This is not allowed
since all NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface VCCs will be used only to transmit
data to a LEC at the other end. If the LEC attempts to send data over a
VCC set up by an NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface, then the VCC will be
brought down and no further LANE shortcuts will be set up to that LEC.
Once the condition which caused the NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface to
receive data has been corrected, then the device must be restarted in order
to allow that ATMaddress to be again used for NHRP LANE shortcuts.
Example: lan dis
LAN Shortcut Interface #: 2, ATM Network Interface #: 0
Atm Address
NHRP Monitoring Commands (Talk5)
372 MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol2