Table33. Configuration Parameter List - APPN COS - Mode Name to COS Name Mapping

- Detail (continued)

Parameter Information
COS name (required)
The name of a previously defined COS definition, selected from the list of COS names
defined for this router network node.
Default Value
This parameter specifies the COS Name to be associated with the Mode name being
defined for this mode name to COS name mapping.
Session-level pacing Command Line option size
Default Value
This parameter specifies the session-level pacing Command Line option size. This
parameter has different definitions depending upon the type of pacing used:
vFor fixed session-level pacing:
The session-level pacing Command Line option size parameter specifies the
receive pacing Command Line option for this node.
The value of this parameter is the suggested receive pacing Command Line
option for the adjacent node.
vFor adaptive session-level pacing:
The session-level pacing Command Line option size parameter specifies a tuning
parameter to be used as the minimum size for Isolated Pacing Messages sent by
the adjacent nodes.

add additional-port-to-connection-network

Youwill be prompted to enter values for the following parameters. The
parameter range will be shown in parentheses ( ). The parameter default
will be shown in square brackets [ ].

Note: Youcan have a maximum of 5 ports per connection network


APPN Configuration Commands
184 MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol2