3.4.8 More Utilities Menu
When you select this option from the Main Menu, a screen like the one in
Figure 49 will appear.
 
More Utilities
Select one:
1.- Display revision levels
2.- Display system error log
3.- Stand-alone utility information
4.- Set system identification
5.- Set character font
Enter F1=Help F3=Exit
 
Figure 49. More Utilities Menu
This panel has the following options:
1. Display revision levels
This displays information that you might need if you required service. If you
have a printer attached, you can print the information presented on the
screen by pressing the Print Screen key. Figure 50 is an example of a
screen displayed with this option.
 
Display Revision Levels
BIOS part number 06H3367
Model F8
Submodel 47
Revision level 3
Reference diskette version 1.31
Diagnostic diskette version Not available
Config. util. version 3.10
IML image name
F1=Help F3=Exit
 
Figure 50. Display Revision Level Screen
2. Display system error log
98 NetWare Integration Guide