After you save these changes, the NetFinity base program will start automatically when the server is started.
∙If you do not want the NetFinity base programs to start automatically, you can start them manually. To start NetFinity manually:
1.Turn on the server.
2.When the command prompt appears type SEARCH ADD SYS:NETFIN\ and then press Enter.
3.Type LOAD NETFBASE, and then press Enter.
SYS:NETFIN is the default target path or the path for the program files that you specified during installation.
4.7The RAID Administration for NetWare Utility
The RAID Administration for NetWare Utility is a set of NetWare loadable modules which aids in managing RAID devices. It provides a graphical screen of the arrays and allows you to obtain information about arrays which have been previously defined. It also monitors the arrays and sends you alerts if a hard disk is experiencing errors or is damaged. This utility also allows you to replace a defunct disk.
The RAID Administration for NetWare Utility can manage up to four IBM RAID adapters.
4.7.1 Installing the Utility
The Raid Administration for NetWare Utility can be installed in the following three ways:
Using ServerGuide
Using the RAID adapter option diskette from a workstation Copying NLMs to the server
If you use ServerGuide to install the NetWare operating system, the RAID Administration for NetWare Utility is loaded automatically during the installation process.
You can make the RAID adapter option diskettes from the ServerGuide CD using the diskette factory feature. Installing from a Workstation
To install RAID Administration for NetWare from a workstation:
1.Log on to the NetWare server from a workstation.
2.Map a drive letter on the server to SYS:SYSTEM.
3.Insert the RAID Adapter Options Diskette into the diskette drive.
4.Change to the diskette drive prompt.
5.Type INSNWADM d: and press Enter.
Where d is the drive mapped to SYS:SYSTEM. The NetWare Loadable Modules will be copied to this drive.
INSNWADM will copy the following files to this mapped drive:
Chapter 4. Novell NetWare Installation 151