1.4.5 Performance Impact
As previously discussed, systems which employ ECC memory have slightly
longer memory access times depending on where the checking is done. It
should be stressed that this affects only the access time of external system
memory, not L1 or L2 caches. Table 1 shows the performance impacts as a
percentage of system memory access times of the different ECC memory
Again, these numbers represent only the impact to accessing external memory.
They do not represent the impact to overall system performance which is harder
to measure but will be substantially less.
Table 1. ECC Memory Performances
SIMM Memory
Controller Impact to
Access Time Systems where
ECC X X 3% PC Servers 500 and 720
ECC-P X 14% No more (Mod 85)
EOS X None Option for PC Servers
300, 320
Standard for PC Servers
1.4.6 Memory Options and Speed
The following memory options are available from IBM:
4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB 70 ns Standard (Parity) Memory SIMMs
4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB 70 ns ECC Memory SIMMs
4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB 60 ns ECC Memory SIMMs
4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB 70 ns EOS Memory SIMMs
Table 2 shows the options used by each PC server.
Table 2. Summary of Memory Implementations
PS/2 Model 70 ns
Standard 70 ns
ECC-P 70 ns
ECC 60 ns
ECC 70 ns
300/310/320 XOPT
PC Server 500 X
PC Server 520 X
PC Server 720 X
1.5 Bus Architectures
There are a number of bus architectures implemented in IBM PC servers:
12 NetWare Integration Guide