22.Select Create NetWare Partition and press Enter. You will see a screen like the one in Figure 84 on page 131.
23.Press Esc. This will accept the default values, namely the partition size, which is the remaining free space on the drive.
Figure 84. Partition Information
24.Select Yes to create the partition and then press Esc twice to return to the Installation Options menu.
25.Select Volume Options from the Installation Options menu.
26.Press the Insert key to create a volume. You will see a screen like the one in Figure 85.
Figure 85. Creating a New Volume
The volume with the name of SYS: will be created by default using all the available free space in the partition. If you want to create more volumes, you need to change the Initial Segment Size of the SYS: volume.
27.Press Esc to create the SYS: volume.
28.Select Yes and press Enter.
29.Highlight SYS: and press Enter.
Chapter 4. Novell NetWare Installation 131