‘Thaw and Serve’ (Descongelar y Servir)

(modelos selectos)

Use ÔThaw and ServeÕ para alimentos congelados que necesitan ser descongelados, pero no cocinados antes de servir.

Para programar ‘Thaw-Serve’:

1. Coloque el alimento en el horno.

2. Oprima la tecla ÔMore OptionsÕ.

3. Oprima la tecla descendente para desplegar las opciones.

4.Seleccione ÔThaw-ServeÕ.

5.Seleccione el nœmero de minutos de descongelaci—n.

6.Se desplegar‡ ÒThaw-ServeÓ en el indicador.

7.Cuando termine, oprima la tecla ÔCANCELÕ y retire el alimento del horno.

Nota: Esta caracter’stica no debe usarse para descongelar carnes u otros alimentos que necesitan ser cocinados antes de servir.

Tabla para Descongelar y Servir













Pays y Pasteles Enteros


Retire el alimento congelado de la envoltura y envase exterior.

¥ Es m‡s f‡cil rebanar los pays, pasteles y

Pays: Pastel de lim—n, de


Coloque el alimento congelado en la parrilla en medio del horno.

y pasteles de queso enteros si se

creme, pastel de nuez, choco-


Use ÔThaw-ServeÕ durante 15 minutos para los pasteles

descongelan durante 30 minutos.

late, papa dulce, ÔFrench silkÕ.


y 30 minutos para los pays.

¥ Los pasteles de capas requieren sola-

Pasteles: Vainilla, chocolate,


Retire del horno.

mente 15 minutos para rebanarlos.

coco y pasteles de tres capas,


Rebane en porciones individuales y col—quelas en los platos.

¥ El tama–o y la textura del alimento que

panquŽ y pastel de crema tipo


Vuelva los platos al horno.

est‡ siendo descongelado afectar‡



Use ÔThaw-ServeÕ durante 10 a 30 minutos.

el tiempo de descongelaci—n.




¥ Los postres m‡s grandes y m‡s

Porciones Individuales:



1. Retire el alimento congelado del envase.

densos pueden demorar m‡s en

Rebanadas de pay, rebanadas


Coloque en un plato.


de pastel, otros postres individ-


Coloque el plato en la parrilla en medio del horno.

¥ Las rebanadas de pastel se

uales, pastelillos de chocolate


Use ÔThaw-ServeÕ durante 10 a 30 minutos.

descongelar‡n m‡s r‡pido que las

y pastelillos de crema.



rebanadas de pay. Las rebanadas de




pay de papa dulce pueden requerir

Pastel de Queso




Retire el alimento congelado de la envoltura y envase exterior.

hasta 20 a 30 minutos.



Coloque el alimento congelado en la parrilla en medio del horno.




Use ÔThaw-ServeÕ durante 30 minutos.




Retire del horno.




Rebane en porciones individuales y col—quelas en los platos.




Vuelva los platos al horno.




Use ÔThaw-ServeÕ hasta 15 minutos si se desea.





‘Deli Spirals’ (Espirales)

1. Retire el alimento congelado del envase.




Coloque en un plato.




Coloque el plato en la parrilla en medio del horno.




Use ÔThaw-ServeÕ durante 10 a 15 minutos.






*Con esta caracter’stica solamente se pueden usar alimentos congelados del tipo ÒThaw and ServeÓ (Descongelar y Servir) o ÒReady to ServeÓ (Listos para Servir). NO intente descongelar carnes, mariscos o carnes de ave congeladas.

** No es necesario precalentar el horno.


Page 83
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Jenn-Air 8112P212-60 ‘Thaw and Serve’ Descongelar y Servir, Tabla para Descongelar y Servir, Para programar ‘Thaw-Serve’

8112P212-60 specifications

The Jenn-Air 8112P212-60 is a high-performance, built-in electric cooktop that epitomizes modern cooking technology. Designed for both professional chefs and home cooks alike, this cooktop brings precision and innovation to the kitchen. Its seamless integration into kitchen countertops not only enhances aesthetics but also maximizes cooking efficiency.

One of the standout features of the Jenn-Air 8112P212-60 is its powerful induction cooking technology. Induction cooking works by using electromagnetic energy to directly heat pots and pans while leaving the cooktop surface cool to the touch. This fast and responsive heat delivery results in quicker cooking times and significant energy savings, as energy is not wasted heating the surrounding air. Additionally, the cooktop’s ability to maintain precise temperature control makes it ideal for delicate tasks such as melting chocolate or simmering sauces.

The cooktop features five induction burners, enabling simultaneous cooking on multiple pots and pans. Each burner boasts a range of power settings, allowing users to customize heat levels to suit various cooking techniques—from rapid boiling to slow simmering. The cooktop's versatility is further enhanced by its bridge feature, which combines two elements into one large cooking area suitable for griddles or oversized cookware.

Safety is paramount with the Jenn-Air 8112P212-60. The cooktop is equipped with a variety of safety features, including a hot surface indicator that alerts users when the surface is still too hot to touch, and an automatic shut-off feature that turns off the burners after a designated period of inactivity.

In terms of design, the cooktop showcases a sleek, user-friendly control panel that offers intuitive touch controls. Users can precisely adjust settings with just a tap, enhancing the overall cooking experience. The optional Wi-Fi connectivity allows remote monitoring and control via a smartphone app, providing convenience and flexibility for today’s busy cooks.

Moreover, the cooktop includes a self-diagnostic feature that can help identify issues and notify the user if service is needed, ensuring peace of mind while cooking. With its combination of style, power, and cutting-edge technology, the Jenn-Air 8112P212-60 electric cooktop truly represents the future of culinary excellence.