Clicking the Pixel Polish button on the main window auto- matically corrects all the images in the film holder replac- ing any previous corrections. The correction are immedi- ately applied to the prescan image.

Once applied, Pixel Polish will remain active until can- celed; to cancel Pixel Polish and return to the original image, click the Pixel Polish button again. To reapply any image corrections made before clicking the Pixel Polish button, open the image in the image-correction tab and press the undo button.

Click the Pixel Polish tab to open the window. If a pres- can has not been made, the scanner will make one auto- matically.

Select the appropriate radio button, auto or custom. All corrections will be reflected in the displayed image.

The auto correction radio button is initially selected. All images in the holder are corrected automatically.

Click the custom correction radio button to make cus- tomized corrections to individual images. Simply click the description in the color, image brightness / contrast, and object / scene list boxes which best describes the image. To deselect a description, click on it again (Windows) or press the keyboard command key and click on it again (Macintosh).

Click the apply-all button to apply the custom settings to all the images in the film holder. To reset all the images to the auto correction setting, click the auto correction radio button and then the apply-all button.

If the custom correction radio button is selected, the

Pixel Polish tab will be highlighted in red (Windows), or an asterisk will be displayed on the tab (Macintosh).

The effect of Pixel Polish is based on the actual image area scanned. If an image is cropped (p.37-38) or the input size changed (p. 42, 54) after Pixel Polish has been applied, click the crop- prescan button (p. 38) to view the results of the processing.


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Konica Minolta AF-2840 instruction manual