Adjust the sliders or enter values between ±2 in 0.1 increments in the text boxes. Press the apply button to view the effect on the preview image. Repeat until the desired result is achieved. To cancel all settings, click the reset button and press the apply button to initialize the preview image.
When using autoexposure, adjustments are made in ref- erence to the exposure determined by the AE system.
To calibrate the scanner in reference to a standard exposure, turn the autoexposure functions off in the preference window (p. 44); set exposure control for neg- atives to manual or uncheck the
slides check box. This is recommended when making settings for specific films.
Click the
To cancel changes to exposure once the
Saving exposure settings
Click the save setting button to open the save win- dow.
Enter the name for the setting file. Click the OK but- ton.
Loading exposure settings
Click the load setting button to open the load win- dow.
Click on the file name to highlight it. Click the OK but-
ton to select the settings to apply to the image displayed in the
To delete a setting file, open the load window and click on the file name to highlight it. Use the keyboard delete key to erase the file.