When the index scan is complete, thumbnails of all the images in the holder are displayed. The image to be scanned can be selected on this screen.
Click the frame of the image to be scanned. The border is highlighted to indicate selection. Only one image can be selected.
Make the desired settings for the selected image. Click the next button.
Index thumbnails
Pixel Polish button
Auto Dust Brush button
Index thumbnails: used to select the image to be scanned.
When using the optional APS cassette, the thumbnail frame numbers correspond to the film frame numbers.
Pixel Polish button: Click this button to correct images automatically. Pixel Polish cannot be used with
Auto Dust Brush button: To reduce the effect of dust, click this button. The Auto Dust Brush is most effective with fine dust particles that cannot be removed with a brush or blower. Before using the Auto Dust Brush, remove all visible dust from the film. The effect can only be seen in the scanned image. The effect varies with the image. To cancel the Auto Dust Brush, click the button again. Once selected, the Auto Dust Brush will remain in effect until canceled.
Scroll buttons: scrolls through the thumbnails when using the optional APS adapter. Clicking the