C.1. Parallel Interface
Interface Signals
The pins of the parallel interface connector carry the signals listed in Table C.1 . Asterisks in the table indicate signals that are active low. The table also indicates whether each signal is incom- ing or outgoing with respect to the printer.
Table C.1. Parallel Connector Pin Assignments
Pin | In/out | Description |
1In Strobe* [nStrobe]
2In Data 0 [Data 1]
3In Data 1 [Data 2]
4In Data 2 [Data 3]
5In Data 3 [Data 4]
6In Data 4 [Data 5]
7In Data 5 [Data 6]
8In Data 6 [Data 7]
9In Data 7 [Data 8]
10Out Acknowledge* [nAck]
11Out Busy [Busy]
12Out Paper Empty [PError]
15— Not connected
16— 0V DC
17— Chassis GND
18— +5V DC
19— Ground return
20— Ground return
21— Ground return
22— Ground return
23— Ground return
24— Ground return
25— Ground return
26— Ground return
27— Ground return
28— Ground return
29— Ground return
30— Ground return
31In Ignored [nInit]
32Out Error*, returns error status if FRPO O2=2 [nFault]
33— —
34— Not connected
35Out Power Ready
36In Select In [NSelectIn]
[ ]: Signal names in the Auto mode. (IEEE 1284)