11. Care of the Comparison Macroscope
11. Care of the Comparison Macroscope
Unplug the power supply before performing cleaning and maintenance work!
Protect electrical components from mois- ture!
Macroscopes in warm and
The comparison macroscope should be cleaned after each use, and the macroscope optics should be kept painstakingly clean.
11.1Dust Cover
To protect against dust, cover the macroscope and accessories with the dust cover after each use.
11.2 Cleaning
Residual fiber and dust can create unwanted background fluorescence.
Cleaning Coated Parts
Dust and loose dirt particles can be removed with a soft brush or
Clinging dirt can be cleaned as necessary with all commercially available water solutions, ben- zene or alcohol.
For cleaning coated parts, use a linen or leather cloth that is moistened with one of these sub- stances.
Acetone, xylene or distillations containing nitro can harm the macroscope and thus may not be used.
Test cleaning solutions of unknown composition on a less visible area of the unit first. Be sure when doing so that coated or plastic surfaces do not become matted or etched.
Cleaning the Stage
Cleaning Glass Surfaces
Remove dust on glass surfaces with a fine, dry and