Operating the Liebert STS2 LED Display
14.2.4 Normal System Shutdown
The Liebert STS2 can be shut down from either the static switch mode or the bypass mode.
Shutdown in Static Transfer Switch Mode
When the Liebert STS2 is operating in static transfer switch mode (not maintenance
bypass mode):
1. Turn off the load equipment per manufacturer’s recommendations.
2. Open CB3 to turn off the static switch output.
• Open CB3A if the static transfer switch is a redundant output configuration.
The LEDs for CB3 and CB3A (if supplied) and the output (OUT) are turned off.
3. Open the input switches CB1 and CB2.
The LEDs for CB1 and CB2 are turned off.
4. To completely de-energize the unit, turn OFF the power to both inputs to the Liebert STS2.
Shutdown in Maintenance Bypass Mode
When the Liebert STS2 is operating on bypass:
1. Turn off the load equipment per manufacturer’s recommendations.
2. Open the bypass switch (CB4 or CB5) to turn off the Liebert STS2 output.
The LED for the bypass switch is turned off.
The output (OUT) LED is turned off.
3. To completely de-energize the unit, turn OFF the power to both inputs to the Liebert STS2.