15.2.11 RS-232 Interface Parameters
The service terminal interface parameters are the following settings and cannot be changed.
15.2.12 Maintenance Bypass
The Liebert STS2 is configured to allow the unit’s electronics to be bypassed to either input source for
maintenance without interruption of power to the load.
The Liebert STS2 is furnished with key-interlocked maintenance bypass breakers to configure the
Liebert STS2 units have all electronics isolated from the input, output, and bypass connections to
allow safe servicing of any components without access to hazardous voltages when the unit is in
maintenance bypass.
See 10.4 - Maintenance Bypass on page 67 for instructions using the Color LCD Graphical Display
unit and 14.2.3 - Maintenance Bypass on page 108 for instructions using the LED units.
15.2.13 Fuseless Design
All Liebert STS2 units are fuseless and are UL rated for use with upstream circuit breakers only.
15.2.14 Options
The following options are available for the Liebert STS2:
See 6.0 - Options for more information.
Table 23 RS-232 settings
Parameter Setting
Interface RS-232 Using EIA Voltage Levels
Baud Rate 9600
Parity None
Number of Data Bits 8
Number of Stop Bits 1
Hardware Flow Control Off
Terminator <CR> <LF>
Handshaking Not supported
Structure Full duplex
Local Echo Off
Programmable Relay Board Remote Source Selection
Optimized Transfer Key Lockout Switch
Distribution Cabinet With I-Line Panelboard Redundant Output Breaker
Input Contact Isolator Board Transfer Inhibit
Comms Board w/Liebert SiteScan and Modem Interface Input Junction Boxes and Cable
Liebert IntelliSlot SNMP/Web/Modbus 485 Card Seismic Floor Anchors
LED Display Seismic Floor Stand - 18", 24", 30" and 36"