When comparing the GMAW and FCAW processes, you can see that the principal difference between the two lies in the type of shielding used. GMAW uses gas for shielding, thus we have Gas Metal Arc Welding. FCAW uses the melting or burning of the core ingredients for shielding, and is thus termed Self-Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding.

Al comparar los procesos GMAW y FCAW puede observarse que la diferencia principal entre los mismos es el tipo de pro- tección que se utiliza. El proceso GMAW utiliza el gas como protección, por lo que se origina una Soldadura de Arco Metálico con Gas. El proceso FCAW utiliza la fundición y el quemado de los ingredientes tubulares como protección, y es por eso que se obtiene una Soldadura de Arco Tubular Autorevestido.

Si l'on compare les procédés GMAW et FCAW, on peut con- stater que la différence principale entre eux réside dans le type de protection utilisé. Le procédé GMAW utilise un gaz protecteur d'où le nom de soudage à l'arc sous gaz avec fil plein. Le procédé FCAW utilise la fusion des ingrédients de l'âme du fil (fourré) pour la protection d'où son nom de soudage à l'arc avec fil fourré.


Gas nozzle

Solid wire

Shielding gas



Weld metal

Base metal


The recommended wire for Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) is Lincolnweld 0.025” (0.6 mm) L-56 electrode. Lincolnweld” L- 56 is capable of welding a wide range of mild steels in all positions, however, more skill is required for out-of-position welding with the GMAW process.


By gaining knowledge of the differences between the two processes, you will be able to select the best process for the job you have at hand. In selecting a process, you should con- sider:

For GMAW (MIG) Process

1.Is most of my welding performed on 16 gauge and lighter materials?

2.Can I afford the extra expense, space, and lack of porta- bility required for gas cylinders and gas supply?

3.Do I require clean, finished-looking welds?

If you have answered yes to all the above questions GMAW may be the process for you. If you have answered no to any of the above questions, then you should consider using the FCAW process.


Tobera de gas


Gas protector



Metal soldado

Metal base


Para la Soldadura de Arco Metálico con Gas (MIG) se recomienda el electrodo Lincolnweld L-56 de 0.6 mm (0.025”). El Lincolnweld L-56 es capaz de soldar una amplia gama de aceros dúctiles en todas las posiciones; sin embar- go, con el proceso GMAW se requiere mayor habilidad para la soldadura fuera de posición.


Al aprender más sobre las diferencias existentes entre los dos procesos, usted podrá elegir el mejor para el trabajo que va a realizar. Al seleccionar el proceso, deberá considerar lo siguiente:

Para el Proceso GMAW (MIG)

1.¿La mayoría de mi trabajo de soldadura se realiza con calibre 16 y materiales más ligeros?

2.¿Puedo afrontar los gastos, el espacio adicional y la falta de portabilidad de los cilindros y del suministro de gas?

3.¿Necesito soldaduras limpias y con buen acabado?

Si usted ha contestado sí a todas las preguntas anteriores, el proceso que le conviene es el GMAW. Si usted ha con- testado no a alguna de las preguntas anteriores, entonces usted deberá considerar utilizar el proceso FCAW.


Buse de gaz


Gaz de protection



Métal fondu

Métal de base


Le fil recommandé pour le soudage à l'arc sous gaz avec fil plein (MIG) est le fil L-56 de Lincoln de 0,025 po (0,6 mm). Ce fil est capable de souder tout un éventail d'aciers doux en toutes positions, mais des compétences supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour le soudage hors position avec le procédé GMAW.


En acquérant des connaissances sur les différences entre les deux procédés, vous serez capable de choisir le meilleur procédé pour le travail que vous avez à effectuer. Quand on choisit un procédé on doit prendre en compte les éléments suivants :

Dans le cas du procédé GMAW (MIG)

1.Est-ce que j'effectue la plupart des travaux de soudage sur des matériaux de 16 d'épaisseur et plus minces?

2.Puis-je me permettre les dépenses supplémentaires et l'encombrement des bouteilles de gaz et des sources de gaz?

3.Dois-je effectuer des soudures nettes et présentant un bel aspect?

Si vous avez répondu oui à toutes les questions ci-avant, le procédé GMAW peut s'adresser à vous. Si vous avez répondu non à une des questions ci-avant, alors vous devriez envisager d'utiliser le procédé FCAW.


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Lincoln Electric MIG-PAK 10 manual Process Selection, Selección DEL Proceso, Choix DU Procédé

MIG-PAK 10 specifications

The Lincoln Electric MIG-PAK 10 is a versatile and user-friendly MIG welding machine tailored for light industrial applications and DIY enthusiasts. This compact welder is designed for both professionals and hobbyists, offering a perfect blend of performance and portability. It is particularly suitable for welding light to medium-gauge steel, stainless steel, and aluminum.

One of the standout features of the MIG-PAK 10 is its economy of size without compromising on power. Weighing in at just around 40 pounds, it is easily transportable, making it a practical choice for on-site jobs or small workshops. Its compact dimensions allow it to fit into tight spaces, facilitating accessibility for various welding tasks.

The MIG-PAK 10 employs a built-in gas solenoid that facilitates gas shielding for improved arc stability and weld quality. It is compatible with both shielding gas and flux-cored wire, offering flexibility depending on the application requirements and working environment. This dual capability is particularly beneficial for outdoor welding, where wind can disrupt gas shielding.

Lincoln Electric has integrated an adjustable output that offers a wide range of voltage settings, allowing users to fine-tune their settings for different materials and thicknesses. This feature, accompanied by a smooth and stable arc, contributes to high-quality welds and ease of operation.

Ease of use is further enhanced by the machine’s simple control panel, which features clear indicators and settings. Novice welders will appreciate the intuitive layout, while experienced users will value the precision controls for intricate tasks.

Another key technology utilized in the MIG-PAK 10 is Lincoln Electric’s professional-grade drive system, which ensures reliable wire feed performance. This system minimizes downtime and improves welding efficiency by reducing the chances of wire tangling or feeding issues.

Finally, the MIG-PAK 10 is constructed with durability in mind. Its robust casing is designed to withstand the rigors of welding environments, ensuring longevity and consistent performance.

In summary, the Lincoln Electric MIG-PAK 10 is a well-rounded MIG welder suitable for various welding needs. Its exceptional portability, dual wire feeding options, adjustable output, user-friendly controls, and sturdy construction make it a compelling choice for both beginners and professionals in the welding industry.