INA ModuleMaintenance Options
Note – The additional error event counts are cleared whenever the INA module is reset. Be sure to view the error events before resetting the module or busying out the module.
From your system programming console, use the following sequence to access the INA module Error Events screen. Be sure to select the corresponding INA module slot number.
Menu: Maintenance→ Slot→ Slot#→ Enter→ Error Events
The Current Hour and Previous Hour error event screens that are also used on the 100D module are available on the INA module. Clearing the new error event counts does not affect the Current Hour and Previous Hour error event counts. Because the Current Hour and Previous Hour statistics are computed with a different algorithm, Current Hour and Previous Hour counts do not match the newer counts.
24 Hour Event Totals
Menu: Maintenance→ Slot→ Slot#→ Enter→ Error Events→ 24 hr total
This screen provides statistics related to the health of the T1/PRI interface. These statistics are summarized in Table
Item | Description |
24 Hour Slot xx | xx is the slot currently being reported on. |
nn Valid | nn is the number of valid historical |
Intervals | intervals from the past 24 hours. A valid historical |
| interval is one for which data has been captured while |
| the system was running. During a valid interval, data |
| has not been lost due to a clearing of error events or a |
| board reset. A board reset can occur during a reset, |
| |
MIS | Misframes. |
SLP | Slips. |
ES | Errored Seconds. |
BS | Bursty errored seconds. |
SEC | Severely errored seconds. |
FS | Failed seconds. |
BPV | Bipolar violations. |
INA Module Installation and Configuration Guide |