MMI Product Documentation
Limit Statements
There are various ways to force a program to wait for something to happen. Although it may seem that the specified condition should be easily satisfied, it is still wise to put realistic time limits on how long the wait should be.
The following chart summarizes the effect the LIMIT statement has on each OPCODE.
Effect of Limit Statement on OPCODES
OPCODE Effect of Limit Statement
AEffective with alarm codes 80 and 81. An 80 or 81
b | No Effect* |
C | No Effect* |
d | No Effect* |
E | No effect on event |
output. On event input, sets the maximum amount of time to wait for that event to occur. An alarm 93 is displayed or sounded.**
G | No Effect* |
H | Forces a wait and |
sets the maximum amount of time to wait for the temperature to reach setpoint +10 F(+5 C).**
hSets maximum time to wait for a condition to be met.**
I | No Effect* |
J | No Effect* |
L | No Effect* |
n | No Effect* |
Unipro 3.5 Process Control | 1 Aug. 1997 |