8399 N/B Maintenance

￿Text function

￿Bresenham line drawing / style line function

￿ROP3, 256 operation

￿Color expansion

￿Source and destination color keys

￿Transparency modeSecretDocument

￿Window clipping

￿8, 16, and 32 bpp mode acceleration

￿3-D Hardware Acceleration FeaturesMiTac

￿Microsoft DirectXConfidential7.0 and 8.0 compatible

￿OpenGL driver available

￿Floating-point setup engine

￿Triangle rate up to 4.5-million triangles per second and Pixel rate up to 400 million pixels per second for 2 texture, depth test and alpha blending

￿8K Texture Cache

￿Microsoft DirectX Texture Compression (S3TC)

￿Flat and Gouraud shading

￿ Hardware back-face culling