General Description

PB2PU — Port B2 Pullup/Interrupt

This option enables or disables the pullup/interrupt on port B, bit 2. 1 = Enables pullup/interrupt

0 = Disables pullup/interrupt

PB1PU — Port B1 Pullup/Interrupt

This option enables or disables the pullup/interrupt on port B, bit 1. 1 = Enables pullup/interrupt

0 = Disables pullup/interrupt

PB0PU — Port B0 Pullup/Interrupt

This option enables or disables the pullup/interrupt on port B, bit 0. 1 = Enables pullup/interrupt

0 = Disables pullup/interrupt

COPEN — COP Enable

When the COP option is selected (COPEN = 1), the COP watchdog timer is enabled.

When the COP option is deselected (COPEN = 0), the COP watchdog timer is disabled.

STOPEN — STOP Instruction Enable

When the STOP option is selected (STOPEN = 1), the STOP instruction is enabled.

When the STOP option is deselected (STOPEN = 0), the STOP instruction is equivalent to a WAIT instruction.

IRQ — IRQ sensitivity

When the IRQ option is selected (IRQ = 1), edge- and level-sensitive

IRQ is enabled.

When the IRQ option is deselected (IRQ = 0), edge-only sensitive IRQ is enabled.

NOTE: The port B keyscan interrupt sensitivity will match that of the IRQ sensitivity. (See 4.7 External Interrupt (IRQ/Port B Keyscan) for more information.)

General Release Specification


MC68HC05RC16 — Rev. 3.0





General Description